Double chocolate cookies

French toast recipe



2 slices of french toast on white plate topped with maple syrup and blueberriesWHAT YOU NEED

  • Bread: You can use any bread you like to make it, but there are some varieties of bread that are better than others for French toast. I recommend using thickly sliced Brioche Bread. You also want your bread to be slightly dried out, as this allows more egg custard can be absorbed, so it is best to use day-old bread if you have it.
  • Egg Custard: For French Toast, eggs need to be whisked with cream, a sweetener, and a few spices. I find that the best sweetener for this recipe is maple syrup, as it is a natural pair for French Toast. You can use any type of dairy or nondairy you like, but I do suggest using a full-fat variety for a rich result.
  • Butter: For pan-frying, nothing compares to the flavor butter adds to the French Toast. If you happen to be dairy-free, use your favorite non-dairy butter substitute.

Ingredients for French Toast labeled



As I stated above, slightly dried out the bread is BEST. If you have the time slice your bread into ½ inch to 1 inch thick slices the NIGHT before you plan to make French Toast. Arrange fresh bread slices in a single layer on a baking sheet overnight to allow the bread to dry out.

Alternatively, you can also dry the sliced bread out quickly by placing the sliced bread on a baking sheet and place into a 200-degree F oven for 10-20 minutes, flipping the bread half-way.


Whisk together eggs, milk, maple syrup, cinnamon, vanilla, and a dash of salt together until well combined. I highly suggest pouring your custard into a shallow dish, like a pie pan, which makes it much easier to dip your bread in the batter.

French Toast Custard in Pie DishPREPARE WORK STATION

To make French Toast EASY to prepare, have a work station ready to go. That way you can get French toast assembled easily.

For an efficient work station have butter, sliced bread, and egg custard close to the stove. Also be sure to preheat oven to 300 degrees Fahrenheit and have a sheet pan for placing the pan-fried French toast on when it comes out of the skillet.


  • Add 1-2 teaspoon butter to the skillet and let melt to coat the bottom of the skillet evenly.
  • Dip the bread into the egg custard on each side, about 5-10 seconds per side.
  • Remove bread from custard and shake off excess.
  • Place French Toast in a skillet and pan fry until browned, about 3 minutes.
  • Flip and cook for 2-3 minutes on the opposite side.
  • Remove from skillet and place browned French Toast on the baking sheet.
  • Repeat the process, adding butter in between each batch of French toast.

Side by side collage of cooking French Toast in frying PanFINISH IN OVEN

This is the SECRET for the BEST French Toast. By finishing cooking the French Toast in the oven, the results are perfection. Not too browned, not undercooked--simply perfect!

Simply, place prepared French Toast in oven for 10 minutes in the preheated oven to finish cooking and then serve with fruit, maple, syrup, and/or powdered sugar.

Platter of French Toast with berries and maple syrup and white plate with french toast


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